Build from Scratch or Create from Template
In the world of Wordpress you are expected to build your site from scratch, add plugins and keep the site updated and secure. For the more technical amongst us that maybe an acceptable path, but for the less technical, using a pre-created themed template as a start, allows most to create a professional site. This is the next step from Facebook pages, as it gives the owner of the site a little bit more control.
As you develop your site, you will want to revisit your theme, but the beauty of templated sites is their ability to change without losing your content. This re-style should be attempted regularly as you will find your online voice as well as your art evolving.
You will find that styles of site and fashions change fast and following conventions will allow you to ensure your content is easy to find. I am using Blogger to host the two sites, one to sell my art on and one to provide these tech tips. I have already adjusted the templates with the site and will be changing these frequently. Especially as the audience and content inevitably evolve. The power of a templated site is that I will not lose my old content and it will follow as the changes occur. It is important not to remove content where possible as search engines will hold references to past pages.
Finally it is important to remember that although your site will change overtime, your content will be accessed for the first time regularly overtime, people will join your journey, artistically, at any time. You should always allow them to access your past to see your present and join you in your future.